Nisam ih više našao – tako brzo izgubljene oči pune poezije, blijedo lice u noćnoj ulici…
Nisam ih više našao – bijahu moji samo zahvaljujući sreći, a tako sam ih lako izgubio. Poslije sam žudio u groznici. Oči pune poezije, blijedo lice i te usne.
Danas je Ponedeljak 24. Avgust / Kolovoz 2023. potrebite godine.
Zapisničari su skontali da je ovo napriliku, a bome i mnogima na nepriliku , 236 dan take i takve potrebite godine.
Ovo napriliku je relativna stvar. Kom si kom sa, ili ke sera sera.Ova stranjska šicanja meru se u nekom dalekom smislu prevesti na mahalsku neopamet:
-Ko kevari taj i dalje kevari.Ko ne kevari taj je svoje iskrevario , ili ima stomačnih, bolje reči crijevnih problema.
Čistom astrologijom , moramo prizanti da je preostalo otprilike krhkih 129 dana.I u njima će biti kom si, ke sera i kevaranja. Naročito od strane dežurnih vladajućih pogana, koji pojedu sve što istovare. Tako im halni bazd iz usta nanijetio.
Ko uče bila Nova godina , a danas ostalo , sada već samo 130 dana do kraja godine. I taman insan pomisli baš ovi dani brzo lete, kad ono nije tako. Oni pošteno odrade svoja 24 sata , ni sekund gore ili dole, i sklone se. To što ljudi ne znaju da ih optimalno iskoriste, to je njhihov problam.
Ljudi zauzeti trkom za nešto prefirno. Kao što je lova i status ili uvlačenje u sjedalice pahana , oliti garantovanih putnika za pržun. Za djecu u ljubav nemaju vremena.
I zamislite glupaka , kada ih nešto poklopi , onda se za glavu fataju.
Što bi poete rekle:
Fato se ti ne fato , glava će biti na ramenu sve do jednom. A onda kasno za bilo šta.
U prevodu:
Izvuci glavu , smanjite brzinu ili sve ode gdje ne treba.
Danas je srijeda 23. Avgust / Kolovoz 2023. nasušne godine.
Ovako su se dani podijelili: 234. dana se laganice zamrznulo i tiho otperjali u prošlost.
Do kraja godine još 121 dan čeka što rujanje što smrzavanje , što prosijavanje.
Njih takođe čeka odmor. Jedan dan će se odmarati duže od ostalih. Napriliku, pride tri godine.
I taj dan uvijek muči prepisivače. Ne znaju kako ga skontati. Jal ga ima , jal ga nema.
Najradije bi ga ukinuli.
Čudno, mislimo mi , dani su k'o leptiri procvjetaju u jednom danu i nestaju kao pupoljci, pri kraju istog dana. Nikad niko nije zabilježio da jedan dan traje dva dana. Pupoljci se, daleko od ljudi , pretvaraju u prekrasne mirisne ruže. Kada procvjetaju eto ih jopet na dunaluk.
I insani se onda čude kako su dani uvijek tako lijepi i učinkoviti. Ne mogu da shvate da nisu samo žene zavodnice.
A dani na nepažnji nisu baš svima nagodni. Dosta hajvana bude zatečeno, kada ih dani uvele nesrećne putanje, kojima povratka nema. Oni dani koje se jave slijedeće godine pod istim datumom ni su ni blizanci proteklih. To su oni sami. I to je tako jednostavno da mu tetovac nije ravan.
Ljudi i ne shvataju kako su zaboravni.
Niko nije nepametan da svake godine stvara nove dane.
To vam je isto ko svake godine stvarati novu ženu. Mnogi bi htjeli , ali motoričke sposobnosti su uvijek slabije od želja.
Vrlo pametno, čista logika.
To je glavna odlika ljudi koji baljezgaju. Sve rade napamet i čisto od logike. Zato se hvale ,da je u njih sve pamet i logika.
Što bi poete rekli:
Dani su su pahuljasti ko leptiri, a ljudi ovce ko bekani.
U prevodu:
Vela havle. Ove blese od uvodničara , počeli mahnitati k'o proroci .
It's a beautiful, sunny day. Winter came to her own. There will be rains, in the mountainous regions and snow. It seems that everything was confusing.
We love the whole seasons and when they are in its element. But we are as disturbing as we are, all of us who are waiting for us, so we will laments on the birvaktile studios.
Let's say, who saw the autumn, and that the strawberries shine in it, and the violets smell the landscapes with gentleness.
It's autumn that apples and pears are glowing. It used to be that her dear was going to the army. This meant that as soon as the wedding was back, it was like that again in autumn. Because autumn is for weddings, and so on. For deep plowing. And furrows. And everything that goes with weddings goes. The Holy Book says: your wife is your field. We are adding and loving deep plowing. How she will not love. This is the basis of fertility and life.
Spring for awakening life and everything is in the flowers, behari and scents. Everything is alive and everything gets caught. Everything smells like love. And the scents bring this famous, unique, magnificent, mostly unmistakable love. Buddy and sick. Somewhere, if there is no pain, it did not even matter.
About the summer she dreams, because the grass has grown, the smell of mowed hay is there, it rolls in it and swims in the sun. And what sun and rolling? Well, sunburn hits it often. And forget about the insan. And when it's forgotten, it's a new life. Not immediately. It has a certain period of time through which both nature and insanity become burdensome.
And what did you think, the sun throbs you in the head, you forget, and there are no consequences. Do not measure it like that. And the consequences are beautiful and desirable. Some are not. At first, they embrace. Children are the most beautiful and the most endearing in human life. Pretty and white as winter.
And that winter. It's cold and beautiful. A man's intention to rush and shrink, to warm himself up. And when the blood is heated, it gets hot and then it's known what to do to get a little insane. Take a few cameras. You know, it needs bedding on the camera and in the cup. And the camera has various and exuberant. These mattresses, and shirts, and silk sheets, minders, and especially soft pillows. Because if it's winter, the heating needs to be reinforced. The easiest way is by louvering, and the measurements and sobering. How fun is it, ai …
This seasons are nice to us, everyone. And people are electing.
Somebody loves this, some time of the year.
In some – they are ruined in the land, they hate and they prefer not to.
And love, gentlemen?
And heating and rolling?
What about puping and babbling?
What about ripening and deep plowing?
You would also like to skip the seasons that you do not like.
We think you're not aware of what you do not like.